Annie’s Story

Annie attended private schools for twelve years, where she was an all-A student. She had always held a job and made Dean’s list in college, graduating with an associate’s degree in medical office work. While she had experimented with psychedelics in her 20s, she stopped using drugs when she became pregnant with her son. Her husband, whom she later divorced, was physically abusive and controlling.

Between 2000 and 2005, she began binge drinking and using pain pills “because they were legal”. Diagnosed with bipolar and anxiety disorder in 2001, she would stop taking her medication when she was using, further complicating her situation. In 2006, Annie blacked out and crashed the car with her son in it. Though neither were injured, this was a turning point in Annie’s life. 

Placed on probation for two years, she reports that she did alright “for awhile but was secretly drinking beer”. She started drinking Vodka in 08/09 and using prescription pain pills purchased on the street. A play therapist noticed that Annie was getting high again and, at this point, her son Anthony was placed with her parents after CSB got involved. An Allen County Drug Court participant, Annie kept relapsing and was jailed twice.

She describes her “last drunk” as being while she was in a homeless shelter in Lima. Annie was walking down the street and a man in the area noticed her unsteadiness and kept her in sight until the police came and took her to the hospital. Following discharge from the hospital, she went back to the homeless shelter, then to jail for 7 days. She returned to the homeless shelter, where she was housed 2 months, then admitted into Devlac Hall in June, 2010. This time, Annie completed treatment. Devlac suggested that she come to Aurora. 

Admitted to Aurora on 08/12/2010, Annie has made tremendous progress. She has completed life skills, parent education, domestic violence, and computer lab. She continues to participate in relapse prevention and creative writing classes. On 4/20/2011, Annie moved to Step Up, one step closer to obtaining permanent housing and reunifying with her son.

Now 32 years old, Annie is diligently seeking employment and will begin attending Owens Community College on May 31, 2011, to pursue her Bachelor’s degree in human resource management. She plans to stay in Toledo with her 10 year-old son.